Cybersecurity Awareness
OnPoint Community Credit Union released the below guidance for protecting personal data as part of national cybersecurity awareness month. We are providing it here to [...]
OnPoint Community Credit Union released the below guidance for protecting personal data as part of national cybersecurity awareness month. We are providing it here to [...]
Montavilla Cleanup on 82nd Ave SATURDAY AUGUST 14th from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM The 82nd Ave Business Association and the Montavilla Neighborhood Association will [...]
City bureaus to address the historic lack of infrastructure investment in Southeast and East Portland through the Lower Southeast Rising Area Plan. The Bureau of [...]
Portland OPERA is returning to Cartlandia on Saturday July 31 from 12 noon to 2 pm. Located at 8145 SE 82nd Ave, the food cart [...]
The Portland Bureau of Transportation and the Oregon Department of Transportation reach historic agreement on the cost to bring State Highway OR-213/82nd Avenue to a state of good [...]
NE 82nd Avenue near NE Thompson Street April 29, 2021. Mark Graves/The Oregonian Oregon wants to reduce the speed limit on 82nd Avenue [...]
For 11 months, traffic safety advocates and the city of Portland have been asking state officials to lower the speed limit on a 5.5-mile stretch [...]
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Commander Hurley, East Precinct, shared this opportunity to provide input regarding re-envisioning Portland's patrol services and community-based policing in East Portland. Please share with anyone [...]
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