We are now offering both street and private property trees to commercial and multi-family residential properties east of 82nd Ave and in the Jade District. Additionally, if tenants are concerned about talking with a landlord directly, we are happy to work with tenants to figure out the best way that we can provide outreach to the property owner on their behalf. We have also added an FAQ to our website about private property tree planting that includes example trees at www.portlandoregon.gov/bes/treeprojects.
We are taking sign-ups through November 6, and every eligible property in your districts, both tenants and owners, should have received a letter in the mail. I am excited to report we already have dozens of sign-ups across East Portland. I know there are many concerns and challenges right now in the business community, and this may not be a priority for some members at present. However, if you feel some may be receptive or interested, I have included text suitable for a newsletter or social media (following and attached).
The Environmental Services Tree Program plants trees for free at businesses and apartment buildings. This offer includes four years of watering and tree care. To learn more and sign up, call 503-823-2255 or email [email protected].
Los Servicios Ambientales ofrece el Programa de planta árboles. Plantamos árboles de forma gratuita en edificios de empresas y apartamentos. Esta oferta incluye cuatro años de riego y cuidado de los árboles. Para obtener más información y registrarse, llame al 503-823-2255 o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].
Simplified Chinese
环境服务植树计划 (Environmental Services Tree Program) 为企业和公寓楼提供免费植树服务。 这项服务包括为期四年的为树木浇水和养护。 想要了解更多信息并报名参加,请致电 503-823-2255 或发送电子邮件至 [email protected]。
В рамках программы (Tree Program) Бюро экологического обслуживания производится бесплатная высадка деревьев около предприятий и многоквартирных домов. Полив и обслуживание высаженных деревьев продолжаются в течение четырех лет. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительные сведения и подписаться, позвоните по тел. 503-823-2255 или напишите нам по электронной почте ([email protected]).
Environmental Services Tree Program (Chương trình Cây xanh Dịch vụ Môi trường) trồng cây miễn phí tại các cơ sở doanh nghiệp và các tòa nhà chung cư. Chương trình này có dịch vụ tưới nước và chăm sóc cây trong bốn năm. Để tìm hiểu thêm và đăng ký, vui lòng gọi 503-823-2255 hoặc gửi email đến [email protected].